Blame the Moonlight (Bound by series Book 2) Read online

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  The interview went well. Though he noticed Anton’s gaze kept slipping to Chelsea’s breasts. Brandon’s eyes narrowed while his fist clenched beneath the table. Anton’s interest suggested he had more intimate plans for Chelsea beyond being part of a crew. Well, not if Brandon had anything to say about it.

  “How long are you here, Brandon?” Anton asked, interrupting Brandon’s fantasy of beating him to a pulp. His eyes widened while his brain cautioned him to be civil.

  “My editor would like me to submit this interview tomorrow,” he replied, forcing a smile. “And you?”

  “I think we’ve done everything we came here to accomplish.” He glanced at Darcy. “Wouldn’t you say so?”

  She nodded.

  “Our plane leaves Friday morning so we have a day to play.” Anton grinned.

  Brandon ground his teeth. He’d stake his life that the old lecher meant he had a day to play with Chelsea.

  “Then again,” Brandon said. “I heard about the Samhain Ball this morning. I wonder if my editor would let me stay to cover that.” He doubted it, but he wanted Anton to know there was a possibility that he’d be around.

  “A ball?” Chelsea picked up interest. “I’ve never been to a ball.”

  Darcy consulted her phone. “There’s a new moon Halloween weekend.” She spoke directly to Chelsea.

  So Darcy must be in on Chelsea’s secret. Brandon looked at her with new respect.

  “What difference does the moon make?”Anton grumbled. “We’ll be back in Hollywood by then.”

  “It just means that there will be no moon that night,” Chelsea explained. “It’ll be dark and spooky even in Los Angeles.”

  And she’d be able to enjoy being a normal human, Brandon realized. Now that he knew of her limitations, he could see the heartache in her eyes when she couldn’t participate in events as she wished. He wanted to take her to that ball, just to give her the experience. It had to be tough being restricted to being out a couple nights a month. He could drive back to Haven Harbor for the event, but it sounded like Chelsea would be long gone before the dance. Shoot. His disappointment settled deep.

  Darcy and Anton left after a few more glasses of expensive wine, charged to his Daily Press account. Brandon knew he’d catch flack from Natalie when he submitted his expenses. Once the two celebrities had left, Chelsea buried that beautiful body under layer upon layer of wool again. They drove Jimmy back to the hotel, but were hesitant to leave the car themselves.

  Once Jimmy was well and gone, he turned toward Chelsea. She’d removed her sunglasses and leaned across the console for a kiss. He was happy to oblige, but he was determined that this would be no goodnight kiss. This kiss was more of a promise.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that all evening,” she said, eventually pulling back.

  “Have I told you that you look amazing in that dress?” He worked his hand inside the cape so he could stroke the indentation of her waist. “So amazing that I’ve wanted to rip it off of you all night.” He pulled her closer for another deep kiss.

  “Brandon. Can we go somewhere? This console and stick shift are damn awkward.”

  He thought fast. He couldn’t take her back to his room, not with all his research lying about. Not that he could do anything with it, he’d already abandoned the project, but she wouldn’t see it that way.

  “Ever since we met that first night in the woods, I’ve had what you might call a fantasy. As I’m leaving tomorrow and you’re going back to California, this is the last opportunity I have to fulfill it. Do you trust me?”

  Her eyes narrowed as her lips tightened as if she was skeptical of his question. After a moment, she nodded. Brandon released his held breath.

  “Good. Let’s change into something more comfortable and meet in the lobby. I know just the place we can go. It’s not far, but we’ll have to drive.”

  “We can’t go like this?” she asked.

  Oh lord, his mouth watered and his fingers itched to slide the straps of the dress off her shoulders. But he couldn’t. Not without some advance preparations.

  “We’re going someplace outdoors,” he said. “I have a few things I need to get from my room.” Like condoms, he thought. “Meet me in the lobby.”

  “Brandon,” her voice stopped him in mid exit. Her smile almost had him climbing back in. “Don’t forget to wear that tie.”

  Chapter 7

  She was so nervous, you’d think she was a virgin anticipating her first time, but she wasn’t. This, however, was the first time with someone she knew and cared for. She quickly changed into jeans and a sweater. The pretty moonstone necklace lay on the bathroom counter so, after scrubbing the moon concealment off her face, she slipped it over her head. If things progressed the way she’d hoped, she didn’t want Brandon tasting her concealer instead of her lips. Darcy hadn’t returned to the room, which was not surprising, but Chelsea scribbled a quick message that she’d be late. Then she slipped out the door.

  He waited for her in the lobby with a small backpack.

  “What’s in that?” she asked.


  He didn’t volunteer more information. She let it go and hoped that now that he knew she was Nevidimi, he didn’t plan to burn her at the stake or anything. She glanced to her side. No Brandon would never do something like that. But did he know she burned in a good way on the inside, just for him? He still wore the tie as she’d requested, but jeans covered his legs. Not for long, she thought with a smile.

  They returned to his car and were promptly on their way…to somewhere.

  As promised, it was a short trip. In no time, he turned off the main road and followed a rutted path. Soon they arrived at what appeared to be a campfire, without the fire.

  “No one will see us or suspect anything out here,” he said, exiting the car.

  Chelsea glanced at the moon that was approaching the quarter mark. Not a cloud in sight. Already, she could feel the tingling in her fingers and toes. “You know what will happen,” she warned.

  “I’m counting on it,” he said, helping her outside. “If you’re leaving tomorrow, I’m hoping you’ll grant me this one wish.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, pulling her wool cape tighter around her. Little puffs of steam marked her words. “I’d forgotten how cold it gets here.”

  “Let me warm you up.”

  His arms reached around her shoulders and pulled her close. She loved being held so tight, so protected. In his arms, she was safe and wanted. She glanced up, wondering why they were embracing in the middle of a field, but his lips found hers before she could ask. The question suddenly didn’t matter. She felt his kiss deep in her soul. She’d wanted this. It was as if a part of her that had been missing all these years was now made whole. Her body heated and tingled all over.

  He pulled back. His eyes wide and his smile in place.

  She knew she’d faded. She could see it in his eyes. “Can you still see me?”

  “It’s amazing. I feel like I must have kissed an angel. You’re here but you’re not.”

  “I’m here,” she said. “I might fade, but you can still feel me.”

  “Believe me.” He smiled. “I’m feeling you all over.”

  She blushed, not that he could tell. “What was that wish you mentioned?”

  “I want to see you when you’re invisible.”

  She laughed. “I think you already did that when we met in the woods.”

  But he was still smiling at her with a devilish gleam in his eye, giving her the impression that wasn’t at all what he meant.

  “I want to see you…all of you.”

  “Brandon!” She pushed on his chest. “It’s too cold out here!”

  “I’ll build a fire.” He pointed to the fire ring. “No one will be able to see you. The fire will keep us warm.”

  He began to pick up twigs and small branches, then tossed them in the center of the ring. He opened his backpack and took out paper, crumbled it up, and stuffed
it around the sticks. Once that was done, he removed a cigarette lighter from the backpack and lit the paper. It didn’t take long for the flames to build. A pile of logs were neatly stacked a short distance from the fire. He grabbed one and placed it on top of the burgeoning flames.

  “You came prepared.” She observed from her position by the wood stack.

  “I’ve been dreaming of this ever since your underwear landed at my feet.”

  He tossed more tinder on the small flames until more substantial flames leapt in the air. Then he returned to her.

  “I’m sort of glad it’s brisk out here,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” She certainly wasn’t glad. She’d been an LA girl for too long.

  “Because your breath leads the way to your lips.” He proved his accuracy without effort.

  She held his head in her hands and let him know how much she’d missed this, missed him.

  His cold hands found their way under her sweater. She shrieked and struggled to pull back. He wouldn’t let her go.

  ‘They’ll be warm in a second.” He laughed.

  And he was right. Soon she shed the heavy cape, as he did his jacket. He unhooked her bra while exploring the inside of her mouth with his tongue. She removed her sweater and bra to give him options to kiss. Then she pulled his sweater off leaving him in his shirt and tie. In no time, he had her naked, yet she didn’t feel the cold. Oh no. She could only feel his heat.

  Brandon had fantasized that exploring Chelsea’s body this way would be amazing. But this—this was more than amazing. He couldn’t see a thing, but, Good Lord! He could feel everything. He explored her body with his hands and lips.

  Suddenly, his belt buckle lifted and the belt unbuckled itself. It slid around his waist as if it had come alive.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, stepping back.

  “You’re not the only one who’s curious.” After a moment in the air, the belt dropped to his feet. “No one is out here. No one will see,” she assured him.

  The buttons on his shirt popped through the buttonholes unaided but in synchronized motion from his neck on down. He wished he could see her face, see her expression as she slowly undressed him, but it was as if his clothes had come alive and were intent on leaving his body at her bidding. The fastener on his jeans popped and the zipper slowly slid down, exposing the bulge in his boxers beneath.

  “What was that?” She asked. His effortless undressing paused. “Did you hear that noise?”

  “Just a raccoon or a skunk or some other small animal. Don’t worry. The fire will keep them away.” At least, that was his plan. They didn’t need a skunk interfering with what he had in mind.

  Guided by her moonstone pendant which glowed bright in the moonlight, he grabbed her invisible waist and pulled her close.

  “How did you…oh, my necklace,” she said. The stone and chain rose, then smoothly sailed to his empty backpack. Damn. Now he had no idea how to find her.

  Oh! She was behind him. Her hands slipped inside his unfastened jeans and slowly slid them along with his boxers down toward his ankles.

  “Hmm…impressive,” she said, swiping her hand around his butt.

  Immediately, his liberated penis stretched another inch. He hastened to kick away the clothes at his feet. Her warm hand wrapped around his blood engorged member. My God! Not being able to see her, not knowing where she would touch him next was the sexiest thing he’d ever experienced. But two could play this game.

  He reached in front of him and encountered what he guessed to be her arm, then using that as a guide, he slid his hands down till he felt her hips.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “You’ll see soon enough.”

  He lifted and carried her to the large boulder where he set her down with her back against the rock.

  “The cape will work as a blanket.” Her whisper held an urgent edge.

  His sentiments exactly, but not just yet. Kissing his way down her belly, he found the apex between her legs, he slipped his hand between her thighs, then pushed them far enough apart that he could give her oral sex.

  “Oh my God, Brandon!” She cried above him.

  He slipped his fingers inside her, which he could only recognize by feel. He could only guess what a stranger might think if they encountered him giving her pleasure in the glow of the fire. Of course, even though there was no visible woman in the area, he imagined the sound of her cries as she climaxed probably spread through the wood, he thought with a measure of pride.

  “Now we can use that cape,” he said. “Let me spread it on the ground.”

  Once that was accomplished, he returned to the boulder, but she wasn’t there. He explored the entire rock with his hands, but she had slipped away. He spread his arms, swinging them in empty air. “Where are you?” he called in a hoarse whisper.

  “Ahem,” a stranger’s voice intruded.

  Brandon swung around to see four women’s faces on the far side of the fire. Holy crap! Witches!

  Without thought, he grabbed the nearest thing handy—a log off the top of the stack—and held it in front of the straining upright evidence of his desire. Soft laughter issued from one of the witches.

  “Beatrice,” The oldest witch scolded. She turned back toward him. “Good evening, Mr. Parker.”

  “Good evening,” he responded, wondering how on earth she knew his name. Chelsea’s taut nipples pressed into his back. At least he knew where she was now. Her pubic hair brushed his butt. While he understood her urge to hide, the witches couldn’t see her. He, on the other hand, could feel every inch of her incredibly evocative body. The sensation was not lost on his ready and eager penis.

  “We saw your signal and came as soon as we could.” The spokes-witch nodded to the flames. “Perhaps you didn’t realize that was the purpose for this fire ring?”

  “No. No. I’m sorry,” he said. “I thought it was cold and this was just…convenient.” He hesitated a moment. “Don’t you use phones for that sort of thing? Sending signals, I mean.”

  “Yes, we do. This is more a tradition, really.” He heard a smile in her voice. While he appreciated that they weren’t upset, he was the one who was very naked and very visible. Not really the time for smiles and laughter.

  “I assure you a warm bed would be more comfortable than the cold hard ground, even with a borrowed cape.” The spokes-witch looked left and right at the other witches. “As there appears to be no emergency, we’ll leave you alone”— two of the witches turned and left—“Don’t forget to replace that log.”

  “She means the wood in your hand.” Beatrice giggled. “Not the human wood behind it.”

  The chief witch frowned and directed Beatrice to leave with a wave of her hand, then turned back toward the fire. “Goodnight Mr. Parker.”

  “Goodnight,” he replied between gritted teeth.

  “Goodnight Miss Davenport,” the older witch said before she turned to join the others in the dark.

  Soon the only sound was the occasional pop and crackle from the fire.

  “How did they know I was here?” Chelsea whispered.

  He wasn’t quite ready to abandon his protective log yet. “I don’t know. I can’t see you. I don’t think they could.”

  But he could certainly feel her behind him. He tossed the log unto the stack, then turned.

  “It must be the cape,” she said. “They must have recognized that it was the cape Mrs. Birkland lent me.”

  “Maybe.” He looked around, straining to hear…anything. “Maybe they saw your clothes.”

  But her clothing was neatly stacked behind the boulder with his clothes kicked on top. The garments weren’t exactly out in the open.

  “I know this is your last night, but I’m not really comfortable here anymore,” she said.

  Her bra lifted from beneath his jeans, then floated and fastened in mid-air. Her panties followed suit. Her form became visible with the layering of denim and wool.

he understood her concern, it did nothing to dissuade his incredible sense of disappointment and loss. He wanted to say something to convince her to stay, but he was having a hard time shaking the sense of being watched.

  Damn! Cock-blocked by witches!

  They drove back to the hotel. While in the car, Chelsea gradually assumed a ghostly appearance which, he admitted, held its own intrigues. Brandon had some difficulty in staying focused on the road as he wanted to just watch her face take shape from the nothingness, then slowly add substance. As they neared the hotel and chanced observation by people, Chelsea hastily applied makeup and slipped a pair of sunglasses over the dark holes in her foundation. The hood of her cape covered the rest.

  They kissed good-bye in the hotel hallway at the mid-point between their rooms. A sad sweet kiss. Then they parted to go their separate ways. At the last moment, Brandon turned to watch Chelsea make her way down the hall. He had the inexplicable feeling that he was watching the best part of his life simply walk away.

  Chapter 8

  The phone woke him the next morning after a near sleepless night.

  “Good morning, Sunshine. How did the interview go?”

  Natalie. Crap. He had hoped it would be Chelsea and answered without checking the screen. He looked now. Seven am! Natalie was truly set on making him pay for avoiding her advances.

  “It went,” he said, trying to chase the sleep from his brain. “I just have to transcribe my tape and do some editing. Jimmy got some good photos.”